Product ID : 9783906089102
Bircher-Benner Manual Vol. 10: For Patients with Rheumatism and Arthritis
Price: $49.80
Author: Dr. Andres Bircher
This book is based on the knowledge acquired over decades at the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic. It gives you all the information necessary on the path to recovery and to prevent recurrence. You will understand the causes of any rheumatic disease on a scientific basis. It provides any precise details of dietetic and natural regulative therapy on a scientific basis. For physicians, this book comes as a welcome time-saver and is a valuable aid for them in guiding their patients during treatment. This therapy makes possible to replace immunosuppressive drug-therapy by this highly effective approach, which concerns the underlying causes of rheumatic disease.
This book is based on the knowledge acquired over decades at the world-famous Bircher-Benner Clinic. It gives you all the information necessary on the path to recovery and to prevent recurrence. You will understand the causes of any rheumatic disease on a scientific basis. It provides any precise details of dietetic and natural regulative therapy on a scientific basis. For physicians, this book comes as a welcome time-saver and is a valuable aid for them in guiding their patients during treatment. This therapy makes possible to replace immunosuppressive drug-therapy by this highly effective approach, which concerns the underlying causes of rheumatic disease.
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