Product ID : 9780984027323
Tough Truths: The Ten Leadership Lessons We Don't Talk About
Price: $7.95
116 Pages, Paperback
Release date: October 1, 2012
How can you stand out as a great leader?
116 Pages, Paperback
Release date: October 1, 2012
How can you stand out as a great leader?
The answer may surprise you.
We all know the usual leadership lessons...the ones about hard work, playing nice and good time management. They create fine leaders.
But what makes leaders truly great is a whole different story. One that will be revealed to you in the Tough Truths.
The reason the lessons are truths is because they're proven to make people great. The reason they are tough is because they make us uncomfortable...take us out of our comfort zone. In fact, they might make us question everything we thought we knew about this chess game called life.
The good news is when we embrace the Tough Truths we stand out. We do things we never thought possible. We find great success. We make a better future. We live a better life.
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