Product ID : 9780984648146
Travel Light: Regular People Go On Adventures Too, PPB (French Flaps)
Price: $34.95
Learn how to travel your way to happy! This memoir explores the lighter side of travel with doses of humor, adventure, and personal transformation. Vacations need not be exclusive to the wealthy; regular people go on adventures too. Travel Light proves that travel and new experiences will make you laugh and provide increased levels of happiness. For overworked people around the world, tag along on this quest to achieve balance in life, work, and play. For many, life and relationships have become a dull routine. The book describes dealing with fears, fitting in travel with work schedules, experiencing the unexpected, learning to laugh, and immersing in the moment.
Learn how to travel your way to happy! This memoir explores the lighter side of travel with doses of humor, adventure, and personal transformation. Vacations need not be exclusive to the wealthy; regular people go on adventures too. Travel Light proves that travel and new experiences will make you laugh and provide increased levels of happiness. For overworked people around the world, tag along on this quest to achieve balance in life, work, and play. For many, life and relationships have become a dull routine. The book describes dealing with fears, fitting in travel with work schedules, experiencing the unexpected, learning to laugh, and immersing in the moment.
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