Finding The Face Of Evil: 19 Years of Rape, PPB
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Product ID : 9781733926607

Finding The Face Of Evil: 19 Years of Rape, PPB

Price: $19.99


A victim of rape tells her story before and after she was drugged, kidnapped, and raped. It tells how she helps her mother follow her dream.  She tells of the troubles she faced after she was raped, the love she found, and the blessings she found.  Finding out who her rapist was through an Ancestry DNA test, the story demonstrates how this discovery set her free from the hold the rape had over her for 19 years. This book is written for everyone and encourages other victims of any form of sexual assault. The story highlights how she found justice.


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Reviewed by 1st_Believe
06/22/2019 - 12:54:24 PM
Justice should be served!!
After reading this book it made me a little upset with our judicial system. How can we feel secure in our country when monsters like this man are walking free in our society. I believe this story can relate to others that have been in similar situations. I can honestly say I had a night similar to what Megan went through. It's scary and mentally disturbing to have such an experience. I'm glad that Megan had enough confidence and trust to allow Bernice to write her story. This book can help other victims understand that they are not alone. By understanding what victims should do if they are put in this position can possibly help others. I definitely think this is a good book to read, not just for Megans justice but to bring awareness that these horrible crimes and criminals are still doing this in todays world.